iTop Vpn icon

8 by techway

Jun 18, 2024

About iTop Vpn

A simple and lightweight VPN

iTop Vpn is a free security and privacy tool that you can use to secure your connection while browsing the internet. This VPN from techway offers numerous secure proxy servers that you can use to mask your IP address in order to prevent unwanted trackers from finding out your location and learning about your internet activity.

Similar to services like Hola Free VPN, iTop Vpn works with a variety of connection types including home Wi-Fi connections, cellular data, as well as public hotspot networks. This makes sure to provide you with the security you need, no matter where you are.

What does it offer?

With a simple and modern interface, iTop Vpn maximizes user convenience. The UI allows you to connect to servers in a snap. All you need to do is click on the large connect button in the middle of the screen and the app will automatically look for an optimized server for your location. These servers make sure to offer high-speed connections so you can enjoy all your favorite online activities.

Another notable feature of this service is that it allows you to enjoy its features with no bandwidth limitations. With this, you can play games online or watch your favorite movies without having to worry about a laggy connection. This VPN also makes use of secure connections in order to keep your personal information private and hidden from prying eyes.

Unfortunately, however, the app does experience a number of unexpected disconnections that keep you from connecting to a server for long periods of time. This makes it quite difficult to use, especially since there is no failsafe set in place that disconnects you from the internet when these instances occur. The number of servers is also quite limited, so you don’t have too many options to switch between.

Great but needs polishing

Overall, iTop Vpn is a good option that provides users with high-speed internet connections, as well as a convenient UI that a variety of users can use, even with no prior knowledge of how VPNs work. However, with frequent instances of disconnection and limited servers available, it falls short when compared to the numerous other VPN services available on the market.

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Android 13.0







Version Name Version Size APK Download
10.88.0 46.50 MB Download 30.17 MB Download 31.95 MB Download

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