Instantly remove sensitive data from your Mac
It's not easy to maintain privacy on your Mac nowadays. Black Hole is designed as a powerful way to instantly clear sensitive information from your machine with a single click. Black Hole isn't complicated - it simply automates many common operations such as quitting applications, removing recent items from application menus, emptying the Trash, and more.
Black Hole works via simple box which lists the functions it can clean and clear. When a feature has been cleaned or cleared, a green light will appear next to it. You can define in details exactly which folders you want it to clean by selecting the "..." symbol next to the various categories. Cleaning is fast and simple although it is rather limited compared to more thorough cleaning applications such as Onyx (which maintains your system as well).
However, by the developers own admission, Black Hole may not be 100% perfect at cleaning-up. There is a possibility that some information remains after a cleanup and it cannot replace Private Browsing modes available in most web browsers. The developer also warns that he cannot be help accountable for any data lost while using Black Hole and a backup before using it is highly recommended.
Overall however, as a simple and quick way of cleaning your most important files and folders on your Mac, Black Hole is a quick and easy solution.
A preference has been added to make Black Hole quit after Quick Cleanup has completed.
A preference has been added to make Black Hole quit after Quick Cleanup has completed.