What's on your shelves?
Bookpedia is an excellent application to keep track of the books you have at home. Thanks to a clear interface, you can view all album covers and book information in one go. Using your Apple iSight camera you can scan the bar codes of your books to register them into Bookpedia. And if for some reason you don't have the bar code, Bookpedia will let you look at ten different international search sites and z39.50 library servers. We were also impressed by the Spotlight integration, which makes any piece of information quickly within reach.
The full screen mode, which shows all the album covers, is a nice way of browsing through your titles. Bookpedia also streamlines the way you can create smart collections to keep all your different books organized. We also quite liked being able to create a book wishlist or at least seeing the one you have on Amazon. Bookpedia also lets you keep a note of who has borrowed which book and can generate all sorts of statistics on your collections.
While scanning book bar codes with your iSight camera worked most of the time, it can fail every once a while. Always make sure there's sufficient light and that the bar code is clean. One other little drawback we could also point out is that Bookpedia doesn't let you sort by author last name.
Apart from that, Bookpedia is a top notch application to keep your book collection organized.
New secret feature (comes into play next week)Hovering over links in the info view reveals the link in the bottom window status barExported images have the same creation and modification dates as the originals for syncing with FTPDemo limit increased to 25 itemsFont now adjustable in the list type printHolding down option key and using the scroll wheel in cover view resizes coversDownload cover art for selection also trims white borders for imagesBlack dot on close button to show unsaved changes in the edit panel as well as a warning sheet when closing with the close buttonBusy indicator while .Mac preview is being createdFaster sorting when ignoring articlesAmazon sales rank added to Marketplace informationLink creation drags from inside the covers folder to the info view now activeAutomatically removes trailing spaces and new lines from one line fieldsCommand-S is caught in the add/edit panel as 'save' to avoid confusionBug fix: "Remove this column" would not remove the clicked column if the contextual menu extended beyond the application windowBug fix: when editing directly in the table and then leaving the program while the editing is still active, the cell would then display the value of the next edited cellBug fix: Delicious Library 2 exported 1.5 format file was no longer in alphabetical order and could not be importedBug fix: keyword searches starting with a period where being treated as CueCat encoded barcodesBug fix: if the horizontal scroller was shown at launch the last movie would be hidden behind itBug fix: during window resize the vertical scroller could display a graphic glitchBug fix: a shared collections might not load in latest Leopard 10.5.3 and would cause an error, prompting for a bug reportBug fix: In cover view when doing an edit that changed the order of the items, the thumbnails would not reflect the new order immediatelyTake into account multiple disc for the track numbering in the tracks tab
New secret feature (comes into play next week)Hovering over links in the info view reveals the link in the bottom window status barExported images have the same creation and modification dates as the originals for syncing with FTPDemo limit increased to 25 itemsFont now adjustable in the list type printHolding down option key and using the scroll wheel in cover view resizes coversDownload cover art for selection also trims white borders for imagesBlack dot on close button to show unsaved changes in the edit panel as well as a warning sheet when closing with the close buttonBusy indicator while .Mac preview is being createdFaster sorting when ignoring articlesAmazon sales rank added to Marketplace informationLink creation drags from inside the covers folder to the info view now activeAutomatically removes trailing spaces and new lines from one line fieldsCommand-S is caught in the add/edit panel as 'save' to avoid confusionBug fix: "Remove this column" would not remove the clicked column if the contextual menu extended beyond the application windowBug fix: when editing directly in the table and then leaving the program while the editing is still active, the cell would then display the value of the next edited cellBug fix: Delicious Library 2 exported 1.5 format file was no longer in alphabetical order and could not be importedBug fix: keyword searches starting with a period where being treated as CueCat encoded barcodesBug fix: if the horizontal scroller was shown at launch the last movie would be hidden behind itBug fix: during window resize the vertical scroller could display a graphic glitchBug fix: a shared collections might not load in latest Leopard 10.5.3 and would cause an error, prompting for a bug reportBug fix: In cover view when doing an edit that changed the order of the items, the thumbnails would not reflect the new order immediatelyTake into account multiple disc for the track numbering in the tracks tab