About Bowtie for Mac

Control iTunes externally and scrobble to Last.fm

If you use both iTunes and Last.fm, then you'll need someway to integrate the two when it comes to control and scrobbling.

Bowtie is a free application that allows you to do both and even control your iPhone (although this latter feature requires purchasing a 99¢ companion app via the Apple Store). Bowtie has a huge number of customizable shortcuts to enhance control over iTunes and it submits your songs to Last.fm. The controller has its own mini player with basic controls plus an iTunes library search function.

Bowtie automatically fades in and out when you start and close iTunes. The basic default theme is rather plain but if you have any HTML and CSS knowledge you can create your own. However, fortunately for those that don't, there is a thriving community of users who have created skins for you. There are a couple of themes included but surely the developers could have added a few more.

Sometimes I found Bowtie a little hard to locate. The interface is so small that it easily gets hidden behind other apps as it doesn't seem to float very well. Also, when I initially started Bowtie, it took ages to kick into action but when it did, it worked great.

Bowtie is ideal for iTunes and Last.fm users that want greater integration and control between the two.

Fixes the inability to move the Bowlet when stuck to the desktop on LionFixes the display of artwork with iTunes on LionFrom beta: adds support for beta versions of Spotify


  • Fixes the inability to move the Bowlet when stuck to the desktop on LionFixes the display of artwork with iTunes on LionFrom beta: adds support for beta versions of Spotify

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