Monitor how many calories you are consuming
One thing many people do at the beginning of a New Year is resolve to lose all that weight they put on over Christmas.
While going to the gym is one way to do this, its also important to monitor how many calories you are eating too. Calories is everything that calorie conscious eaters need on the Mac to make sure that they balance their intake. Calories allows you to record and analyze your diet within a slick and attractive interface.
Calories works by allowing you to enter everything you eat and then displays the amount of calories you've consumed in an easy to read bar graph. There is a huge amount of foods in the system already although it won't include everything (especially foreign foods) but you can enter these manually yourself.
The analytical data included is what really impresses. Calories displays your weight in relation to your Body Mass Index (BMI), optimal BMI and desired weight. I also liked the fact that you can set targets for yourself in terms of daily caloric intake, fats, sugars, carbohydrates, etc. Even more impressive, if you've got a WiThings WiFi scales, the data can be transmitted directly to Calories to monitor your weight progress.
Controlling calories is never easy and Calories is one of the best applications you'll find for keeping your waist trim.
Ready for MacOS 10.7 LionNew: Optional retranslation of the basic food database.New: French translations for food database added.New: Italian translations for food database addedGerman translations of food portions reviewed - can be corrected now by retranslation.New window menu to reopen the main window in case it has been closed by accident.New: Japanese online help implemented.BugFix: Combining food now works in japanese localization.BugFix: Week starting feature in general preferences fixed.
Ready for MacOS 10.7 LionNew: Optional retranslation of the basic food database.New: French translations for food database added.New: Italian translations for food database addedGerman translations of food portions reviewed - can be corrected now by retranslation.New window menu to reopen the main window in case it has been closed by accident.New: Japanese online help implemented.BugFix: Combining food now works in japanese localization.BugFix: Week starting feature in general preferences fixed.