Slick screenshot tool and clippings organizer
Ember started life as LittleSnapper which was a simple screenshot tool that ensured your screenshots didn't clutter your desktop. Now LittleSnapper has expanded into Ember with more clippings features and all round ability to organize and capture more than just screenshots.
Still great for organizing screenshots
Ember now tries to be both a screenshot tool and a clippings organizer at the same time. Ember still handles screenshots very well and allows you to organize your snaps into a library where you can tag, rate and comment on them. You can also still annotate your screenshots with text, callouts, shapes, lines, arrows, blurring, highlighting and more. The more you annotate, the more you're able to organize your clippings into Smart Collections. Note that none of the changes or annotations touch the original image so you can edit them to your heart's content without worrying.
Ember is well integrated with several online services if you want to sync or share clippings and screenshots. Ember has built-in support for Email, AirDrop, Messages, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr and finally Dropbox and iCloud.
Add web extensions for a better experience
Ember is unusual for a screenshot/clippings organizer in that it also has browser extensions that make it even easier to save files and clippings from the internet. In fact, Ember has it's own built-in browser which is fully integrated with the app and allows you to save almost anything online. In general, the annotation options are also limited especially when compared to apps such as SnagIt or Skitch. There's no freehand drawing option for example but the basic features for most people's requirements are there.
A solid screenshot and clippings tool
Ember is an improvement on LittleSnapper and if you want a screenshot and clippings tool in one, it's an excellent option.
Fixes an issue that prevented snapping with certain multi-display setups. Fixes an issue that prevented keyboard shortcuts from being set on OS X Mountain Lion.
Fixes an issue that prevented snapping with certain multi-display setups. Fixes an issue that prevented keyboard shortcuts from being set on OS X Mountain Lion.