Lossless audio editor
Fission's Batch Converter now accepts folders (containing audio files), as well as individual files. The Save panel now correctly remembers the last location to which files were saved. An issue with chapterized AACs and very large image files has been corrected. Fission now has a hidden preference, accessible via the Debugging window, to check for and prevent rare Normalization clipping. Several other small bugs have been corrected. An issue where attempting to Save (with Cmd-S or by choosing Save) would cause an error for users of the Mac App Store version has been corrected.
Fission's Batch Converter now accepts folders (containing audio files), as well as individual files. The Save panel now correctly remembers the last location to which files were saved. An issue with chapterized AACs and very large image files has been corrected. Fission now has a hidden preference, accessible via the Debugging window, to check for and prevent rare Normalization clipping. Several other small bugs have been corrected. An issue where attempting to Save (with Cmd-S or by choosing Save) would cause an error for users of the Mac App Store version has been corrected.