A quicker way to add events to iCal
FlexCal, previously known as FlexTD, is a preference pane item that allows you to quickly enter todos and events in your iCal.
The application is activated via a hotkey, which you can set. Then all you need to do is type in your note, select the calendar it applies to, a priority level and the relevant dates.
The interface is clear and well designed, making it very easy to type in new entries.
FlexCal makes your calendar very easily accessible and avoids you wasting time having to open up iCal every time you come up with a new idea. Being a preference pane item, it doesn't take much space in your Mac yet can still be called up every time you need it.
If you find that you very often work with iCal, yet get tired of opening and closing the application just for writing up to-dos and new events then FlexCal should come in handy.
* 64-bit PrefPane! No more relaunching System Preferences to 32-bit to change FlexCal settings in 10.6 on 64-bit Macs * Finnish localization added (Kiitos Mika!) * Dutch localization added (Bedankt Arjan!) * Minor fix for all-day events not extending to the final day * Fixed auto-start issues that some people were seeing. FlexCal should automatically launch now - every time - if the checkbox is checked
* 64-bit PrefPane! No more relaunching System Preferences to 32-bit to change FlexCal settings in 10.6 on 64-bit Macs * Finnish localization added (Kiitos Mika!) * Dutch localization added (Bedankt Arjan!) * Minor fix for all-day events not extending to the final day * Fixed auto-start issues that some people were seeing. FlexCal should automatically launch now - every time - if the checkbox is checked