Synchronize iCal, Address Book, Calendar and more
Time Machine is an amazing tool for performing holistic backups of your Mac and it's files. However, sometimes you only want certain elements backed-up.
That's where fruux comes in with a special focus on synchronizing your Address Book, Calendars, Tasks and Bookmarks between different Macs. fruux works by supporting "sync conflict resolution" which basically means, as soon as you change a file, it will synchronize those changes with another machine.
Unfortunately as yet, there doesn't seem to be any support for iPhones. On the plus side, fruux can be useful even if your Mac is not available or you don't have it with you. The developers are soon to introduce a web interface that means that as long as you've got access to the net, you'll always be able to access your updated contacts, appointments and tasks However, proceed with caution with fruux - it is still in beta stage so you are highly advised to backup you data using another utility in case anything goes wrong during the syncing process.
When complete, fruux has the potential to be an excellent syncing tool for those Mac users who need to keep organized on the move.
(FIX) Fixed a problem with calendar syncing
(FIX) Fixed a problem with calendar syncing