Fantasy MMO: Heroes of Newerth
Heroes of Newerth is a free online game set in a world of fantasy. Choose a hero and arm them with the items that the need to get ahead, and then send them off on all manner of quests. But be warned: you don't know what kind of dangers you will be running into in this world!
Choose a Character and Head on a Quest
Heroes of Newerth starts by asking the player to choose a character. There are dozens of different heroes to pick from, divided into a number of different teams. Will you choose Ophelia, mistress of nature magic? Perhaps the star-born Andromeda? Maybe you will opt for brute strength and play as the monstrous Behemoth, or alternatively plump for agility as Flint Beastwood. Once you have chosen your hero, it will be time to join a game.
Online Multiplayer Battles
Heroes of Newerth offers a number of different multiplayer modes, ranging from Capture the Flag (5 players versus 5 players) to Grimms Crossing 93 players versus 3 players). You can boost your game playing ability by purchasing items including weapons, armour and magic objects. If you want to enhance your stregth, perhaps you could arm yourself with a Logger's Hatchet; if defence is what you want to focus on, you could don a Frostfield Plate. On top of this are such weird artefacts as the Grimoire of Power and the Icon of the Goddess, each with its own uses in battle.