Inkscape for Mac icon


1.2.1 by Inkscape

May 24, 2023

About Inkscape for Mac

A Top-Quality Graphic Design Software that’s Free

Inkscape is a free software tool that lets you create vectors with all the versatility and simplicity you need.

Almost on Par With Premium Tools

Inkscape’s premium competition are quite a capable lot. That said, this free tool is no slouch. It can accommodate all the creative juices you spill. For instance, you may use the tool to tinker with image shapes, apply filters, fill shapes with gradients, convert images to paths, etc. The list goes on and on… In other words, if there is something you use Adobe Illustrator for, you can most likely get it done on Inkscape. For a free vector software, that is quite a feat. In fact, some of these capabilities may not be found in paid software. Moreover, the tool frequently updates itself and keeps adding new or latest features to its armour.

Multiple-Format Compatibility

The illustration software supports the SVG format, but it also is compatible with PostScript, EPS, PNG, BMP, JPG and TIP images. It can export multiple vector-based formats, including PNG. The program provides multiple tools and shapes, text, paths, markers, transparency effects, clones, gradients, transformations, groups and patterns. The tool also supports node editing, Creative Commons metadata, bitmap tracing, complex path operations, circumfluent object text, path-based texts, direct XML editing, etc. If you’re on a budget or a student who wants to learn graphic design, Inkscape is what the doctor prescribed.

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Mac OS X







Version Name Version Size APK Download
1.2.1 151.77 MB Download
1.1.1 124.29 MB Download
1.0.1 146.78 MB Download

Inkscape for Mac Screenshots