Multi-protocol search and download tool
iSwipe aims to be an all encompassing file search and download tool. The application allows you to search for anything from software to music of movies in 12 different protocols like Carracho, OpenNap, Gnutella, iTunes or Bittorrent. Around 795 million files available according to iSwipe.
You can also search the web, however for that you'll need a SeeqPod account. Although there are many services to choose from, iSwipe is limited by the fact that you can't add new services or that some of they are now obsolete. If you click on the 'Details' tab, you'll be able to see the servers, amount of users, files and data for each servers, a good way to choose the best one.
iSwipe offers a MusicBrowser and AutoSearch sections, however, because there are no explanations, we couldn't really see how these were good to be very different from the 'Search' function.
Good for multi protocol search, however I'd stick to your best P2P client, which is probably more effective than iSwipe.
Maintenance update
Maintenance update