Elegant clock and desktop wallpaper for Macs
Living Earth HD is an elegant world clock and weather app for your Mac in glorious High Definition. First launched on iPhone and iPad, it is now available on Mac bringing you world times and weather for millions of cities around the world.
Living Earth HD provides real-time global cloud cover, live wallpapers and includes screensaver features that turns your desktop into a window into space. The Live Clouds are particularly impressive although they're only updated every 3 hours. It's fascinating watching major weather patterns develop in different parts of the world especially hurricanes and tropical cyclones.
The weather forecasts are useful with 7-day and 2-hour forecasts courtesy of Weather Underground although the accuracy of this varies from place-to-place and it's a shame that you can't customize this to use a feed from your preferred weather provider.
Living Earth HD is an elegant world clock and weather app that looks great on any Mac.