Stunning shimmering water effect screensaver
One things that never fails to impress on Macs is the shimmering ripple effect you get when you add and remove items from your dashboard.
LotsaWater has harnessed that effect for your desktop to create a stunning water rippling effect on your desktop as your screensaver. When it's activated, your desktop looks distorted through the wavy surface of water as raindrops fall on the surface.
There's no doubting how stunning the effect looks, although it could make you feel a bit queasy if you stare at it too long! However, it is rather CPU-intensive because it squeezes a lot out of your processor and graphics card, so make sure you've get plenty of resources free if you intend to use it. There are however configuration options to vary the accuracy of the simulation to fit the processing power available.
Although LotsaWater uses a lot of CPU power, it is a unique and eye-catching screensaver.
Snow Leopard compatible
Snow Leopard compatible