Find and save YouTube videos
There's a plethora of YouTube downloaders these days, which is no surprise considering the popularity of the online video sharing website. Although limited, Media Snap is in a way quite a useful tool, mainly because of its simplicity.The program lets you search and download YouTube videos without ever having to go on the site, which really does save you lots of time. You can use the search box on the top right to type in the name of the video you are looking for.Results will be displayed in a list, with a thumbnail view, which although a bit small, gives you some identification to what video you're choosing.Just press the download button to save it on your Mac. Media Snap only saves in Quicktime or MP3, but most people will be fine with that.What we would have liked to see is the possibility to paste a url or video ID, as these are useful ways of sharing videos on YouTube. Despite some limitations, Media Snap is a simple program to search for and download YouTube videos.