Twitter client with a distinct OS X look and feel
Nambuis an an attempt to bring the world of Twitter and instant messaging clients together in one streamlined application.
Nambu supports multiple Twitter accounts, timelines, mentions and direct mentions in single or separate streams. Unlike with the highly-popular Tweetie client to which it is often compared, you can also create Twitter Groups, allowing you to separate people or services into separate categories so you never miss a tweet. In addition, Nambu uses a threaded approach to @mentions so that conversations you are having appear together in one place, with the original tweet.
Nambu also features an excellent keyword search tool to see what people are saying about a particular theme, and integrated support for URL shortening. Probably the stand-out feature that gives Nambu a unique touch is the fact that it has an automatic translation tool that enables you to follow tweets in other languages. The main downside of Nambu is that it's still in beta so may be prone to frequent glitches and crashes.
Nambu's huge number of features and preferences do make it a little overwhelming compared to something like Tweetie. However, for "power" Twitter users, it's far better and has the advantage of not featuring random free advertisements like in the free version of Tweetie.
Overall though, Nambu is an excellent Twitter client that's ideal for those that want a highly customizable, free OS X looking Twitter client on Mac.
Fixed a bug closing temporary searches in combined view.Some minor performance improvements.
Fixed a bug closing temporary searches in combined view.Some minor performance improvements.