Easily repeat your vocabulary
ProVoc is an awesome, free software only available for Mac, being part of the category Science & Education with subcategory Languages & Translators.
More about ProVoc
ProVoc is available for users with the operating system Mac OS X and previous versions, and it is available in different languages such as English, German, and French. The current version of the software is 4.2.2 and the latest update was on 7/09/2007.
Since we added this program to our catalog in 2006, it has managed to reach 10,630 downloads, and last week it achieved 12 downloads.
ProVoc is a light program that will require less storage than the average program in the section Science & Education. It's a program very heavily used in some countries such as France, Germany, and Spain.
Fixed bug in Italian version preventing test from being startedFixed other minor bugsUpdates can from now on be automatically installed
Fixed bug in Italian version preventing test from being startedFixed other minor bugsUpdates can from now on be automatically installed