Powerful file compressor and expander
Stuffit is one of the most well known file compressors and expanders for Mac. It can handle over 30 file formats including RAR, 7zip, split and segmented archives.
StuffIt Deluxe is the most advanced version of Stuffit yet allowing you to browse and preview archives before taking action and selectively extract just the files you want. StuffIt Deluxe can even browse encoded archives and compressed tarball files with no need to decompress it first. Stuffit Deluxe is particularly useful for those Mac users that need to send archives to Windows users because archives are free of any extraneous Mac data that might affect opening on Windows.
To preview archives before decompressing, you can use the StuffIt Quick Look plugin (which requires at least OS X 10.5 to work) and preview contents in Finder. The same goes for archives in Apple Mail and even TimeMachine archives. Stuffit Deluxe has also been especially designed with images in mind as it includes special preview plugins for images in iPhoto and Aperture. It allows you to archive huge collections to save disk space but still allow you to upload them to the internet.
Apart from archiving, Stuffit Deluxe also features many bonus elements. One is that it can create disk images in a few easy steps using MagicMenu or the StuffIt Contextual Menu. A handy feature called DropStuff also allows you to create drop zones with set preferences so that you can zip or decompress archives using the same settings everytime. In addition to this, there is a backup scheduler, integration with MacFUSE and an mini-install creator called SEA Maker that allows you to create your own installers.
Stuffit Deluxe is the most advanced version of Stuffit to date. Whatever your compression needs, it's sure to handle them and more.
Adds ability to hide the StuffIt Destinations dock.Minor bug fixes.
Adds ability to hide the StuffIt Destinations dock.Minor bug fixes.