Battle it out with penguins in this fun racer
One of the few Super Nintendo games that has really stood the test of time is Mario Kart, and the concept of guiding an armed cartoon character around a series of tracks never seems to lose its appeal.SuperTuxKart provides you with a blast from the past with a game that borrows more than a little of its ideas from the Nintendo classic. Despite being a bit of a rip-off of Mario Kart (or because of it, depending on which way you look at it), this game is great fun to play.The courses are diverse, challenging and easy on the eye, and the characters are interesting too. There are lots of amusing power-ups to pick up and chuck at your opponents along the way, and the computer-controlled drivers are certainly not afraid to use them, so you need to be on your toes if you want to get anywhere in SuperTuxKart.
There are three different game modes to test you, namely: Time Trial, Quick Race and Grand Prix. Unfortunately, there's no equivilent of Mario Kart's Battle Mode, which is still my favourite part of the game.Also, as the game is still in development, there are a few glitches such as the fact that some of the levels take a long time to load. However, anyone who enjoyed playing Mario Kart will find this an amusing diversion.