Can you perform major heart surgery?
Surgeon Simulator 2013 for Mac is a free game which recreates the difficult task of trying to perform a life saving operation.
In Surgeon Simulator 2013 for Mac you play the part of a surgeon Nigel Burke. The twist is that Nigel has no medical qualifications - it's just you, some surgical tools and a body. Your goal is to complete various operations as quickly as possible with minimal blood loss starting with a heart transplant.
When you start the game, Surgeon Simulator 2013 for Mac allows you to select which size resolution you want to play and whether you want to play in Windowed mode (i.e. a window on your desktop). To quit the game, the only way to get out is to press CMD and Q together.
Surgeon Simulator 2013 for Mac opens with music from the British hospital drama "Casualty" set in Holby City hospital which continues throughout the game. You control the surgeon's hand with the mouse or keyboard but the first thing you'll notice Surgeon Simulator 2013 is extremely difficult to control. You control each finger separately which is tricky in itself but the hardest thing is actually picking-up tools and using them to heal and cut organs.
You will inevitably make a huge mess of your first few goes on Surgeon Simulator 2013 for Mac and hack your poor patient to pieces. I managed to send the spare heart flying across the room, after destroying the rib cage with a saw and then accidentally throwing both of the patient's lungs at his face - he had no chance after that.
At the end of the surgery, you will be given a verdict as to how the surgery went, a final blood remaining level, surgery time and rating. However, it's incredibly hard to know which tools you need and how to use them in Surgeon Simulator 2013 for Mac. Some in-game prompts or instructions would have been better to prevent every operation turning into a blood bath.
There are some amusing sound effects to Surgeon Simulator 2013 for Mac - mostly Nigel Burke going "Oh No!" and "Oh Jesus!" in a cockney accent as things go wrong and your patient slips away. However, the Casualty theme soundtrack gets very repetitive and leaves you wishing the hospital TV drama had never been invented.
Surgery Simulator 2013 for Mac is still a fun simulator which illustrates the complexity of major heart surgery whilst also being quite educational about the human body too.