Fast and furious Skyroads inspired game
The developer of the intriguingly named Tasty Static describes it: as "a videogame where you go really fast and jump a lot. You'll probably get really annoyed along the way too."
That sums up the game pretty well, though there is obviously a bit more to it than that. Tasty Static is actually a clone of an old PC game called Skyroads where you control a flying craft along a series of courses. The simple aim is to finish as fast as possible without crashing.
Use the arrow keys to move and the Spacebar to jump. The first road is simple enough as you jump the gaps and go through the tunnels. Even by the second road, however, things are getting tough. The secret is to change track from the middle one that you start on and that can only be done by moving left or right first and then jumping. You can't move in the air though, which makes the game extremely frustrating.
There are very few options - you can toggle between full screen and windowed mode and change the contrast of the graphics. There's no possibility to play against users online or over a network, however. The game also has a pumping house soundtrack which is actually pretty authentic. The Extras menu offers a few tasty surprises such as the ability to shoot lasers and a 'Dizzy' mode where the camera moving around makes things even harder.
Tasty Static is a good test of your concentration, although the playability and graphics are limited. But it's well presented and worth persevering with, especially for the Extras.