Take your photos to another level
Tintii Photo Filter is a unique app that allows you to isolate colors in black and white photos, making the composition really pop!
Tintii is simple to use. Just import your photo - this can be in color or black and white. The app will automatically render it in monochrome, leaving it up to you to use the thumbnail buttons on the right to introduce individual colors back in so you can make certain elements really stand out - think of the little girl in the red coat from Schindlers' List to get the idea.
Tintii's thumbnail buttons can be individually tweaked using the sliders associated with each. It can be a little difficult to figure out which slider does what, but with a bit of playing around, you should be able to see what combination looks best for each photo. Tintii also has some options along the bottom that will allow you to tweak the whole photo, and not just the effects you are applying.
In all, Tintii is a cool app that allows you to easily add a very eye-catching effect to your photos. For the casual user, a little messing around will produce really fun, interesting photos that are sure to get a lot of admiring comments. If you're looking for more technical control, however, you might find Tintii somewhat imprecise and lacking in support, but since there's a free trial, you may as well download it anyway and check it out.
Tintii's a great, easy-to-use app that will take your photos from ordinary to something special.