Plot and animate 2D and 3D equation and table-based graphs with ease
3D Grapher is a regular, trial version Windows software, belonging to the category Science & education software with subcategory Mathematics.
More about 3D Grapher
Since the software was added to our catalog in 2005, it has managed to achieve 27,157 installations, and last week it had 29 installations.
It's available for users with the operating system Windows 95 and former versions, and you can get it in English. Its current version is 1.21 and was updated on 8/19/2005.
3D Grapher is a not that heavy software that does not require as much space than many software in the category Science & education software. It's a program frequently downloaded in many countries such as Poland, India, and Egypt.
Export to BMP and AVI filesQuality of line plotting enhancedStatus bar appearance improved
Export to BMP and AVI filesQuality of line plotting enhancedStatus bar appearance improved