Organize, store, and read your e-books
If you own an ebook (electronic book) reader, or just feel like reading ebooks on your desktop or netbook, Calibre will help keep them organized.
Let's read!
Calibre is a library for eBooks. It has a big, bold interface that's really easy to use, and ebook files of most formats can just be dragged into the Calibre window. Editing the metadata (title, genre etc) is just a case of hitting the button on the tool bar, and typing in your changes. You can select multiple books and edit them in bulk too, for example if you want to regroup some books in a particular genre.
Simple to use
Viewing is also just a button click, and opens an ebook reader window. Here you can increase or decrease the font size to your comfort, add bookmarks and more. You can also set Calibre to download feed from news websites, although the layout results are sometimes a bit odd. There is also, of course, ebook reader synchronizing, so you can easily keep your device up to date.
Good tool for all book lovers
Free, open-source and easy to use, Calibre is a great e-book library tool and reader.
Now converts all ebook formats to Microsoft Word (DOCX) files, including images and tables etc.
Now converts all ebook formats to Microsoft Word (DOCX) files, including images and tables etc.