Complete control over the composition of your web page
Cascade DTP is a good, free Windows program, being part of the category Development software with subcategory Internet (more specifically CSS).
More about Cascade DTP
It's available for users with the operating system Windows 95 and former versions, and you can download it in English. Its current version is 4.0.28 and was updated on 4/10/2007.
Since we added this program to our catalog in 2005, it has managed to obtain 23,485 downloads, and last week it achieved 40 downloads.
About the download, Cascade DTP is a program that requires less storage than the average program in the section Development software. It's very heavily used in India, Canada, and Serbia.
Improves the page view by showing borders and padding for the selected text box
Improves the page view by showing borders and padding for the selected text box