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About Currently

See weather in new Chrome pages

Currently is a Chrome extension that gives weather reports with every new tab. Currently will keep you updated with projected weather in your location or from around the world. This basic forecast extension doesn’t have many bells and whistles, but it’s still handy for preparing for the week.


Currently provides the date, time, and weather forecast for the next five days. All of Currently’s data comes from Wunderground. While the website has detailed information about climate, Currently only provides weather conditions and temperature. The extension omits information such as wind speed, precipitation, humidity, and cloud cover.

Currently automatically finds weather according to your IP address location, however you can freely set which city and country is displayed. You can also easily switch back to the default Chrome page to see your most visited apps and links. This is a nice touch that makes it unnecessary to ever disable the extension.


Currently contains only three buttons within the lower right corner: a link to Wunderground, a tab to Chrome’s default new page, and a settings menu. Currently has settings to alter the system, layout, and style. You can change the temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius, twelve or twenty four hour clocks, and the city you want displayed.

In the layout page you can toggle animations and if the clock shows seconds. Within the style tab there are tabs to select text/icon and background color. One downside is an annoying bug where setting color will reset the city and vice versa. You will always need to set both when you want to only update one. The extension is overall minimal and intuitive.


Currently’s appearance is very simple. The text and icons are set to white or black, while the background can be among nine mellow colors. The background will adjust slightly to best contrast against the text color. Currently uses icons to display the weather.

If you aren’t familiar with each icon you’ll need to hover over them to show an overlay. Thankfully, popups, transitions, and other animations are fast and smooth. You will generally not experience performance problems with Currently.


Currently is a nice Chrome extension to quickly find out the weather for the next few days. It lacks more detailed climate information, which would be very helpful in planning out your week. With a simple design and access to the default page, Currently is still a handy extension to any Chrome browser.

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