Rapidly find programs or documents from within the depths of the start menu
[MinorFeature] appcapappendmemo now auto scrolls to bottom of memo[MinorFeature] new alias launch string to explicitly go to end of memo (gomemobottom)[MinorFeature] modified text in alias dialog to make clear alias name was also trigger text[MinorFeature] attempt to remove some blinking from memo mode when text doesn't change[BugFix] attempt to extend max length of environmental variable replacement in things like search directories[Feature] you can now refer to the currently selected result (or first result) using a variable replacement (%CURRENTRESULTNB%); especially useful for triggering actions via hotkey
[MinorFeature] appcapappendmemo now auto scrolls to bottom of memo[MinorFeature] new alias launch string to explicitly go to end of memo (gomemobottom)[MinorFeature] modified text in alias dialog to make clear alias name was also trigger text[MinorFeature] attempt to remove some blinking from memo mode when text doesn't change[BugFix] attempt to extend max length of environmental variable replacement in things like search directories[Feature] you can now refer to the currently selected result (or first result) using a variable replacement (%CURRENTRESULTNB%); especially useful for triggering actions via hotkey