GTA The Ballad of Gay Tony Wallpaper icon


Fondo oficial 1 by Rockstar Games

About GTA The Ballad of Gay Tony Wallpaper

The flavor of the next episode on your desktop or phone

PC and PlayStation 3 owners may despair that Rockstar's episodic content isn't coming to their systems. However, if you own a computer, Blackberry or iPhone, you can at least enjoy some of the shiny atmosphere from the upcoming GTA The Ballad Of Gay Tony atmosphere with this wallpaper.

This is the first image available from the game, and again has a much different style to the original story featuring the world weary Niko, and the biker gang episode The Lost and The Damned. GTA The Ballad of Gay Tony Wallpaper looks like a much sleazier, neon colored story.

Unfortunately there is just the one piece of artwork, but there are eight widescreen and normal versions, plus iPhone and Blackberry optimized images. There is sure to be a resolution that fits your monitor.

GTA The Ballad Of Gay Tony Wallpaper gives you a great looking, disco inspired image to get you in the mood for the upcoming GTA episode.

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Rockstar Games

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