Scientific/engineering calculator
Kalkulator is a nice, trial version program only available for Windows, that is part of the category Science & education software with subcategory Calculators (more specifically Scientific).
More about Kalkulator
Kalkulator is a fairly light program that doesn't need as much space than the average program in the section Science & education software. It's a software very heavily used in many countries such as Indonesia, Azerbaijan, and Norway.
Since the software has been added to our selection of software and apps in 2006, it has managed to obtain 154,951 downloads, and last week it gained 152 downloads.
The current version of the software is 2.50 and was updated on 10/2/2006. It's available for users with the operating system Windows 95 and previous versions, and it is available in English.
Unit conversion now uses definitions in an external file, which can be modified by the user to add new units or unit categoriesAdded user-defines physical constants from a fileImproved algorithm used to round graph limitsBalloon hints use the font as selected for the PreferencesFixed documentation: wrong formula for histogram goodness of fit
Unit conversion now uses definitions in an external file, which can be modified by the user to add new units or unit categoriesAdded user-defines physical constants from a fileImproved algorithm used to round graph limitsBalloon hints use the font as selected for the PreferencesFixed documentation: wrong formula for histogram goodness of fit