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3.77 by Amazon

About Kindle Previewer

Free App for Authors

Kindle Previewer is a special desktop app that displays how eBooks will appear when they are read using a Kindle. This is a real boon for authors and publishers who need to know if a book is professionally laid out before it is launched for people to purchase.

Getting Ready for Launch

One of the great things about Kindle Previewer is the fact that the app is very easy to use. Once it has been installed, users are given the option of uploading the eBook of their choice and opening it directly with the app. There are several different tools to choose from to help make adjusting the way that the eBook appears easy, although some of the more advanced apps come with a small cost. Like the Kindle itself, the overall look of the app is a bit on the bland side though.

Achieving the Perfect Layout

Anyone who is planning to launch an eBook on the Kindle should make sure that they take the time to check out Kindle Previewer. While this app accurately displays Kindle’s formats and settings, people who are also hoping that their eBook will be available for other types of devices such as tablets should note that the exact formatting may vary.

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Windows 11







Version Name Version Size APK Download
2.94 142.07 MB Download
2.85 142.07 MB Download

Kindle Previewer Screenshots