Keep your computer safe from unwanted users
Lock My PC is a good, trial version program only available for Windows, that is part of the category Security software with subcategory Blockers & Access Control (more specifically PC Access Control).
More about Lock My PC
Since we added this software to our catalog in 2007, it has managed to reach 37,313 installations, and last week it achieved 38 installations.
It's available for users with the operating system Windows 95 and prior versions, and it is available in English. Its current version is 4.7 and the latest update was on 2/7/2008.
About the download, Lock My PC is a software that will require less space than the average program in the category Security software. It's a very popular software in many countries such as India, Pakistan, and Indonesia.
New function: power off when computer is idleMinor bugs fixed
New function: power off when computer is idleMinor bugs fixed