Free, useful calendar for tasks and events
In the world of calendar programs, simplicity and functionality reign supreme. There are lots on the market though, so it takes effort to stand out from the competition. Does MonoCalendar make the grade?
Well, the MonoCalendar interface certainly moves in the right direction. You can have as many calendars as you like - each one will be a different color, and obviously, you'll give them different names so you can distinguish them easily. All of your appointments, regardless of what calendar they belong to, will appear in the same interface, but the appointments that belong to the calendar you are currently viewing will be less transparent than the ones that belong to the other calendars, a setting you can tweak under Preferences. You add and edit appointments by doubling clicking, and you can drag and drop to move them. Grabbing one end with the mouse will also allow you to make the appointment longer or shorter.
MonoCalendar makes it easy to flick back and forth through months and views, and there's a handy one-click function that brings you back to the current month when you are browsing. The program updates itself, and you can import and export calendars as long as they are in .ICS format.
MonoCalendar has lots of good points, but I still can't shake the feeling that it is a poor relation to some of the other free calendars out there, namely Mozilla Sunbird and Google Calendar. That said, there may be users who have their own reasons for wanting a simple desktop program like MonoCalendar. If you're one of them, I'm sure you'll find MonoCalendar very satisfactory.
As desktop calendars go, MonoCalendar's not bad at all.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes