Find missing album covers in your music collection
Mp3 Cover Downloader is a simple application that finds all those missing album covers in your MP3 collection – and which look so ugly on your iPod.
Using Mp3 Cover Downloader is piece of cake. Just select the folder where you store the MP3 you want the program to find album art for, and let it do the hard work for you. In most cases you'll find several covers for each song and you’ll be able to choose the one you like best. Simply click on it and then hit the Apply button.
Mp3 Cover Downloader lets you import images from your hard drive, and also rate songs with a star-based system like iTunes. The Load Other Covers button allows you to refine search terms and obtain more accurate results.
While Mp3 Cover Downloader is really useful for folders that have a bunch of different MP3 in them, it's a real pain for larger music collections. The program doesn’t scan sub-folders, which means you have to open them individually and edit all files one by one.
With Mp3 Cover Downloader you can easily find missing album covers in your music collection and apply them to the MP3 files.