A free tool to help you split MP3 tracks
My MP3 Splitter allows you to isolate sections of an MP3 audio track and then create a new MP3 track based on the section you just isolated.
Pick the portion of the track you like
My MP3 Splitter allows you to listen to an MP3 track, pick a start point, pick an end point, and then click the “Save As” icon. The tool saves the section you chose as a brand new MP3 file without altering or damaging the original. The user interface is very basic, and the icons on the interface look like they were copied and pasted from a Clip Art library. Also, some computers/devices will not allow you to download and/or open the app because some virus checkers flag the program for its potentially unsafe bloatware options. If your virus checker flags it, then it is probably best to do as your virus checker suggests because it is better to be safe than sorry.
Simple and with no extra functions
My MP3 Splitter only allows you to split MP3 tracks and edit their ID3Tags. It is a very basic and very small app that doesn't do anything else, which means it may suit people who want to isolate parts of their music tracks to play in their own mixes, and/or people who are trying to learn a language and wish to hear and re-hear the same sections of a track over and over again.