About nanoCAD

Free Professional Grade CAD Software

nanoCAD is computer aided design software of a high calibre with a low barrier to entry. Completely free to use and suitable for any level of 2D CAD work.

A Great Alternative

nanoCAD allows you to be able to draw any number of technical drawings for a variety of purposes, such as engineering diagrams, and vector-based art, such as would be used with a CNC etching machine. The interface is very similar to that of popular CAD software, AutoCAD, meaning people familiar with that software should feel at home using nanoCAD.

Lightweigh and Easy

As far as CAD applications go, nanoCAD is not the best of the bunch by a long way. However it is one of a very small number that is free. So if you can overlook the lacking features when compared to AutoCAD. You will need to register for the free version, and a paid upgrade to a more feature rich version is also a possibility. It's also a lightweight application, making it easier on system resources and perfect for use on the go. In case you're looking for a paid alternative, we recommend you to consider ActCAD. 

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Windows 8







Version Name Version Size APK Download
5.0 390.12 MB Download
3.5 287.96 MB Download

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