Play a classic card game digitally with Rummy 500
Rummy 500 is an electronic version of a traditional card game. In this rummy variant -- also called 'Five Hundred Rum' -- players draw and play cards aiming to be the first one to get rid of all their cards while achieving a score of 500. This simple simulator lets you play online against human opponents or against computer opponents set to one of six difficulty levels. You can even customise the game's rules by introducing variants.
A simple game for a traditional experience
Rummy 500 isn't spectacular-looking
its graphics are reminiscent of classic Windows Solitaire. But this isn't a game about graphics. It's simply a simulator that allows you to play cards with friends over the internet or against the computer. You can fine-tune the rules to reflect the house rules you're used to which is more important for the card enthusiast than a slick appearance. The adjustable difficulty level customisable rules and simple interface all mark this out as a game for the card lover. While more common games like poker receive large numbers of digital versions this takes an interesting but rare game and makes it playable even without a fact-to-face opponent.
A great game for card enthusiasts
Corrected occasional mishandling of meld information receipt (online play) which could result in incorrect meld displays
Corrected occasional mishandling of meld information receipt (online play) which could result in incorrect meld displays