Recover the serial numbers for your installed software
SoftKey Revealer is a helpful, free Windows program, that belongs to the category Security software with subcategory Password (more specifically Revealers).
More about SoftKey Revealer
About the download, SoftKey Revealer is a relatively light software that doesn't need as much free space than the average program in the category Security software. It's a program very heavily used in countries such as Indonesia, United States, and Germany.
Its current version is 2.6.3 and the latest update was on 3/18/2013. It's available for users with the operating system Windows 98 and previous versions, and you can get it in English, Spanish, and German.
Since the software has been added to our selection of programs and apps in 2011, it has obtained 463,005 downloads, and last week it achieved 16 installations.