About Super Bomberman R

Cool Game for Retro Fans

Super Bomberman R is a remake of a classic game and many people are sure to remember fondly. While the game has managed to retain its classic feel, the enhanced graphics and a few additional features are intended to make the game appeal to a whole new generation.

Prepare to Get Blasting

Players of Super Bomberman R find themselves in a detailed maze and the main aim of the game is to run around the maze planting bombs to try and take out enemies. However, it is all too easy to blow yourself up with these bombs as well, which often happens with comic effect. the camera angle is mostly overhead, which provides a full view of the maze although often not the actual bombs, while the controls are very similar to those of the original game and are very easy to master.

Bombs Away

Anyone who remembers the original Bomberman game is sure to have a lot of fun playing Super Bomberman R. Although the weird camera angles can make keeping an eye on the action quite tricky from time to time, the addition of the multiplayer mode means that there is hours of fun just waiting to be had.

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Windows 7






Konami Digital Entertainment

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