Pebbles and soap bubbles on your XP's screen
Vista Screensavers for XP is a useful, free program only available for Windows, that is part of the category Desktop customization software with subcategory Screensavers.
More about Vista Screensavers for XP
This program is available for users with the operating system Windows XP and previous versions, and you can get it in English. The current version of the program is 5308 and it has been updated on 6/14/2011.Since we added this software to our catalog in 2011, it has reached 25,251 downloads, and last week it had 6 downloads. Vista Screensavers for XP is a slick program that takes up less free space than the average program in the category Desktop customization software. It's a very popular program in many countries such as Serbia, Greece, and Pakistan.