Checks when sites update
WebMon is a handy, free Windows software, that belongs to the category Browsers with subcategory Browser tools.
More about WebMon
Since we added this software to our catalog in 2005, it has obtained 1,895 downloads, and last week it gained 4 downloads.WebMon is available for users with the operating system Windows 95 and former versions, and it is only available in English. The current version of the program is 1.0.11 and was updated on 12/05/2006.About the download, WebMon is a not that heavy software that doesn't take up as much space than the average program in the section Browsers. It's very heavily used in Poland.
Uses newer version of the download library (lots of fixes, e.g. no 100% CPU usage when downloading)Resolved issue when uninstalling and deleting settingsOther minor additions and bug-fixes
Uses newer version of the download library (lots of fixes, e.g. no 100% CPU usage when downloading)Resolved issue when uninstalling and deleting settingsOther minor additions and bug-fixes