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About Weight Tracker Pro

Track your weight for a fitter figure

One thing that sitting behind a computer all day is not good for is your weight. It's easy to pile on the pounds without even noticing.

If you just want to keep an eye on how much weight you're putting on or are following a strict diet, then Weight Tracker Pro is a very simple app to make things a little easier. Weight Tracker Pro also helps track sugar readings, and workout sessions and can display your medium to long terms trends. You can see the ideal weight for a person of your age and height so everything is compared to this standard.

When you open Weight Tracker Pro for the first time you can select whether to measure in Imperial or Metric units. You're then asked to enter some basic details about your height, age and current weight and what weight goal you're aiming at. You can enter a few lines daily about what exercise you've done and how you're feeling which you can review at the end of each week. What's confusing is that there's no save option when using Weight Tracker Pro - it simply autosaves as soon as you close it.

Weight Tracker Pro isn't very sophisticated but it's ideal for all those that just need to keep a quiet eye on their waistline.

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