To succeed in this adventure the X-Men must unite their powers
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse is a useful, trial version game only available for Windows, belonging to the category PC games with subcategory Role Playing.
More about X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
Since we added this game to our catalog in 2005, it has managed to reach 86,575 downloads, and last week it achieved 33 downloads.
Its current version number is not available and the latest update was on 4/11/2005. It's available for users with the operating system Windows 98 and former versions, and you can get it only in English.
About the download, X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse is a not that heavy game that does not require as much storage space than many games in the section PC games. It's a very popular game in some countries such as Egypt, India, and Indonesia.