Simple but powerful image editor
If you're looking for a simple but powerful image editor that doesn't scrimp on features or break the bank then Acorn is an interesting option.
Simple but powerful image editor
Be aware from the start that if you're used to the power of Photoshop then Acorn will undoubtedly disappoint. Acorn is aimed somewhere in the middle of those who want powerful features such as filtering and vectoring but without the advanced features you find in high-end image editing apps. However, for those that have found Photoshop's extensive menus frustrating, they may well prefer it.\nAcorn 4 offers considerably more power than version 3. These include new layer styles, a new Quick Mask tool and Instant Alpha, which works like a magic eraser. The interface remains slick and simple to use though making it a great starting point for anyone too intimidated to use Photoshop.
"The image editor for humans"
Acorn excels in keeping things simple and gives you the essential tools to edit images like shapes, text, drawings or gradients. Layers are really easy to add or remove thanks to the plus and the minus buttons at the bottom of the interface. You'll also find that brush strokes in Acorn are surprisingly sensitive according to the amount of pressure you apply them with.
Feature packed with high quality results
There are too many features in Acorn to list, including vector drawing, a wide variety of tools including smudge, the ability to set a single color of any layer to transparent, rotate and resize and merge individual layers. The lack of iCloud integration will bother some users, however, and as mentioned earlier, experienced Photoshop users will feel it's a bit limited.
Perfect for those intimidated by Photoshop
Acorn is an impressive image editing application that punches above its weight and will certainly give those who have struggled with Photoshop something to think about.Fixed a bug where App Store versions of Acorn wouldn't aways correctly save a .acorn file.Updated to the latest Vector Boolean sources which fixes some bugs when unioning shapes.Fixed a bug where dragging multiple selected layers from the layers list into another canvas wouldn't copy all the layers.Change: When selecting a filter preset, you can now hold down the shift key to have it add to any existing filters on the layer.Fixed a bug where choosing a filter preset wouldn't update the display when you had a previous filter selected.Change: Acorn will no longer throw up a dialog box when using AppleScript to trim and there's no transparent pixels to trim to.Fixed a bug where you couldn't set the color for a selected range in a text box.Fixed a bug where the Levels tool wouldn't work correctly with non-rectangular selections.Fixed a bug where the Exclude Paths command didn't always work with overlapping shapes.Fixed a bug where the levels histogram wasn't showing up correctly on MacBook Airs.
Fixed a bug where App Store versions of Acorn wouldn't aways correctly save a .acorn file.Updated to the latest Vector Boolean sources which fixes some bugs when unioning shapes.Fixed a bug where dragging multiple selected layers from the layers list into another canvas wouldn't copy all the layers.Change: When selecting a filter preset, you can now hold down the shift key to have it add to any existing filters on the layer.Fixed a bug where choosing a filter preset wouldn't update the display when you had a previous filter selected.Change: Acorn will no longer throw up a dialog box when using AppleScript to trim and there's no transparent pixels to trim to.Fixed a bug where you couldn't set the color for a selected range in a text box.Fixed a bug where the Levels tool wouldn't work correctly with non-rectangular selections.Fixed a bug where the Exclude Paths command didn't always work with overlapping shapes.Fixed a bug where the levels histogram wasn't showing up correctly on MacBook Airs.