Evom for Mac icon


1.0.2 by The Little App Factory

Jul 11, 2023

About Evom for Mac

Convert movies and upload them to the Web

There aren't half as many video conversion tools available for Mac as there are for Windows, so when one comes along which is quick, easy to use and most importantly, completely free, you take note.

Evom ticks all of the above boxes and will even upload your conversions directly to YouTube. Once you install Evom, there's a short wait while it downloads all the necessary codecs it needs to perform conversions. Once this is done, you're ready to go. You can either drag and drop video files into Evom for conversion or go to the 'File' menu and open them from there.

You're then presented with five options - convert to a format suitable for iTunes, iPod, AppleTV, YouTube, or just saving in a folder on your Mac. Select the one you want and off you go - it really couldn't be easier! The YouTube feature is especially interesting because it allows you to enter your YouTube account details and then upload the converted files automatically to the site. You can enter upload details - such as video title, description and category in Evom although you can't enter any tags or location as yet.

There's very little to fault with Evom, except the fact that it may have been nicer to have seen a few other formats added to the list and the entering of tags and gotagging for YouTube. Overall however, it's a superb free conversion app.

Version 0.99j: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


  • Version 0.99j: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

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Mac OS X






The Little App Factory

Version Name Version Size APK Download
0.99 3.08 MB Download

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