Lightweight and powerful image editor
Looking for an image editor that isn't bloated but is easy to use and powerful? ImageWell may be your answer.
ImageWell can resize, crop, rotate your images and even store them remotely. It allows you to annotate your images with built-in shapes, labels and arrows. In addition, ImageWell allows you to extend its functionality thanks to third-party developers that have created templates.
ImageWell can handle most major image formats and has a built-in screen grab tool for screenshots. It's also surprisingly easy to drag and drop images into it from other applications. Although its quite basic, the third party add-ons allow you add layers, create collages, drop shadows, borders and much more. Other than that, you can also adjust the exposure, brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpness.
Note however that ImageWell has recently been transferred to the Mac App Store. Users of previous versions will have to upgrade to the latest version via the App Store as it won't be made automatically.
ImageWell is a powerful and effective image editor that's high on features but lightweight and easy enough for anyone to use.
Free update for existing 3.7.6 usersImageWell 4 can be purchased at mac app store for $4.99. Previous version 3.7.6 which includes batch processing (ImageWell 4 does not include this feature), OS X 10.4, 10.5 support, and localizations (ImageWell 4 is english only) can be purchased at our store for $19.95 CAD. Serial numbers for 3.7.6 can be used to activate ImageWell 4.
Free update for existing 3.7.6 usersImageWell 4 can be purchased at mac app store for $4.99. Previous version 3.7.6 which includes batch processing (ImageWell 4 does not include this feature), OS X 10.4, 10.5 support, and localizations (ImageWell 4 is english only) can be purchased at our store for $19.95 CAD. Serial numbers for 3.7.6 can be used to activate ImageWell 4.