About Pocket for Mac

Save articles, videos, and photos for offline viewing

Pocket is a news reading application that saves videos, photos, and articles for viewing offline.

The popular article aggregator finally comes to the Mac. If you use Pocket on iOS or Android, you'll definitely want to download Pocket for Mac so you can read your saved content at home. The beauty of Pocket is its simplicity. Browsing the web and see an article that you don't have time to read at the moment? Save it to Pocket for reading later.

Pocket for Mac is a good recreation of the mobile apps but takes advantage of the screen real estate of a laptop or desktop. Articles will show up in a column on the left. Click on an article and it will expand on the right side. You can either view the article as you would on the web, or you can choose to read it in "article view" where ads, and other parts of the webpage are stripped out, leaving only text and photos.

Not everyone can be connected to the internet at all times so it's great to see that Pocket for Mac automatically downloads all of your articles for offline viewing. This means you can have all of your articles like a newspaper, ready to read, even if you're not connected to the internet. Pocket for Mac can decide whether the article or web view is the best and will cache that for you.

The interface of Pocket is minimalistic but still retains all the functions of its mobile apps such as sharing, adjusting text size, and tagging. There's a search field at the bottom left so you can quickly search your articles and tags. It's a shame that Pocket for Mac doesn't have a grid view like their website does, which provides a more visual experience with large header images.

Pocket for Mac is a must-have for those who already use Pocket in the browser or mobile devices.

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