Manage and automatically download podcasts
Keeping track of your latest podcasts is a full time job especially if you're subscribed to several at once.
If you want to organise, capture and of course listen to your favourite podcasts, but are busy when they are scheduled, Juice (formerly known as iPodder) could be your solution. Juice allows users to capture and listen to Internet audio programs at anytime for listening at a time more convenient to them - it's kind of like a VCR but for podcasts.
Juice enables you to select and download shows and music and to play them whenever you are ready on your iPods, portable media players or PC. Juice is completely free to use and supports a range of external media players (although not all) and Juice can even help you discover new music with hundreds of podcast feeds you might not be aware of or have heard about (although most are American based). It's the organisation of your podcasts and highlighting of what you've listened to and transferred however that's most useful in Juice. Plus of course the fact that you'll never miss a podcast again.
Juice is an easy to use podcast organiser and scheduler that takes the stress out of keeping up and planning when to listen to your podcasts.