Superb simple painting application
Scribbles is designed for kids but it has to be said, it's a hell of a lot of fun for adults too and is one of the easiest paint programs you could wish to use.
Scribbles is so easy that anyone can use it, including young kids. On startup, you're presented with a blank canvas and a round dot which is your paintbrush. You can spray in a variety of different styles such as a simple spraycan, an elegant calligraphy font and "goo". You can choose from a soft, medium or hard eraser and even choose an interesting tracing paper feature which allows you to trace whatever is on your desktop (with a steady hand of course). If you're so proud of any of your creations you want to share them, you can also publish them online simply by entering a title, description and your e-mail address.
You've got a slider at the bottom of the screen which controls how thick or thin your paintbrush strokes are. To change brush, just click on the brush changer icon next to it. Combined, these two easily accessible features and the sheer simplicity of Scribbles, make it very easy to come up with some very impressive combinations and creations. Scribbles is pleasure in every way for the habitual doodler or child looking to have fun. It's hard to find a downside other than it may have been nice ton have had more than just a handful of brushtypes.
If you want to see a simple Paint program that looks modern and makes the best of your Macs graphically capabilities, you can't go wrong with Scribbles.