Create, edit and publish RSS feeds
Ever wanted to create and publish your own Podcasts and RSS feeds? With Feederyou can.
Feeder is packed with handy features, such as the ability to create, download and import RSS 2.0 and iTunes podcast feeds. It supports the latest iTunes RSS podcasting extensions and allows you to drag and drop files into the main interface to create feeds.
Feeder can automatically tag audio and video files with album artwork, artist data and more in most popular formats, including MP3s, M4As, M4Vs and QuickTime movies. Alternatively, you can upload your own artwork for material and audio you've created yourself. Anything you upload can be automatically configured to post news to Twitter and Facebook.
Don't confuse Feeder with an RSS reader though - although it can be used for this, its not ideal and its far more powerful when you use it to publish your own stuff. It can be a bit awkward to use though - it would be nice to see a WYSIWYG editor for creating your own feeds but this is a relatively minor drawback,
Feeder is a power RSS feed publisher that could save you a lot of time and effort creating your own feeds.
Support for new iTunes podcasting tagsEdit announcements to Twitter and Facebook before posting manuallyPublish with FTP-SSL and FTP-TLSImproved SFTP upload speed on some connectionsOther minor fixes and improvements
Support for new iTunes podcasting tagsEdit announcements to Twitter and Facebook before posting manuallyPublish with FTP-SSL and FTP-TLSImproved SFTP upload speed on some connectionsOther minor fixes and improvements